07 888 5444 - or Mobile 027 361 7004 School hours only

School purpose, values, vision, mission, goals and general information

Core Purpose

In partnership with parents, within an educational environment, encourage lifelong discipleship of Jesus Christ by providing opportunities to:

  • Gain knowledge and understanding of all things based on the truth of His word. (Prov 1:7)

  • Gain faith that transforms into the likeness of God (Rom 12:2)

  • Gain hope in an eternal relationship with God through Jesus Christ that is firmly rooted in a deep reverence of Him (Eph 3: 17-20)

  • Gain confidence to achieve all things through Christ who strengthens (Phil 4:13)

Core Values

  • A caring, praying community united in Jesus Christ

  • Enthusiastic and actively involved families

  • A heart obedient to the Lord

  • A spirit of perseverance, resilience and self discipline

  • Respect for self, others and those in authority

  • Quality, Christ centered, Bible based education

  • A well maintained physical environment and resources.

School Vision and Mission

Our Vision:
Equip for life, prepare for eternity

Our Mission:
Matamata Christian School, together with the parents, work to provide a Christ-centred education based on Biblical foundations. We strive for personal excellence in the academic, spiritual, physical and emotional realms.

Matamata Christian School Goals

Goal 1: To Provide a Christ centred education that is based on the seven national curriculum statements while recognising the special character of the school

  • Devotions and prayer will be a daily part of school life.

  • The revised school curriculum will be used as a basis to teach the revised New Zealand Curriculum from a Biblical worldview.

  • All staff will actively support the above and provide an attractive active Christian role model.

  • Students will be encouraged to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Goal 2: To be a worthy choice for families of the Christian community

  • By operating a Biblically based curriculum.

  • By providing and promoting a stable caring environment where students are encouraged to honour God and to excel in all areas of their lives.

  • By helping students to be accountable for their actions and to develop a sense of responsibility.

  • By developing in students eight core foundational values; respect, service, compassion, truthfulness, self control, initiative, perseverance and diligence.

  • By actively promoting the positive aspects of Christian schooling in general and of Matamata Christian School in particular.

Goal 3: To actively form and maintain a close home and school partnership

  • By working together for the educational benefit of the children.

  • By encouraging parents in the school / home partnership of training children in the ways of the Lord.

  • By recognising the important role that parents have in the education of their children.

  • By encouraging parental involvement and interest in the school.

  • By involving parental participation in their child's learning through their Learning Journal.

  • To ensure parents have access to school staff as required.

  • To promote regular consultation opportunities with the school community.

  • To promote regular consultation opportunities with the Maori community.

Goal 4: To provide a quality education that maximises student achievement

  • To ensure curriculum delivery is focused on promoting high student achievement and outcomes.

  • To staff the school with highly motivated effective teachers.

  • To help students learn about God, themselves and the world around them.

  • To promote the development of student's character.

  • To develop literacy and numeracy skills.

  • To promote critical thinking strategies.

  • To develop the principles, values and key competencies of the school and revised New Zealand curriculum.

  • To promote academic excellence and maximise student achievement opportunities.

  • To develop a love of learning in students and staff.

  • To develop student ownership of their learning.

  • To develop students knowledge, understanding and skills to help equip them toward becoming productive members of society.

Goal 5: To reflect in our practices the diverse cultures in our school

  • To recognise the Treaty of Waitangi and integrate basic Maori language and culture into the curriculum delivery.

  • To recognise the uniqueness of each individual student.

  • To be sensitive to the differing national backgrounds of students.

  • To be sensitive to the differing Christian backgrounds of students.

  • To promote tolerance and respectfulness regarding differences amongst students and families in those areas which do not compromise the goals and values of the school.

Goal 6: To develop and maintain the property and environment in order to maximise opportunities for student learning and development

  • To provide an attractive and functional environment.

  • To present the school in a manner that shows God's creation effectively managed and displayed.

  • To develop, provide and maintain attractive and functional playground activities.

  • To maintain a safe and pleasant learning environment for all staff and students.

  • To encourage and display quality work.

General Information

School Hours:

8.50 am ~ School commences
9.50 - 10.00 ~ Food Break (in class)
10.50 - 11.10 ~ Morning Tea
12.50 - 1.30 ~ Lunch
3.00 p.m ~ School finishes

Pupils not travelling to school by bus are requested not to arrive at school before 8.20am

If a child is going to be absent from school on any school day, parents must inform the School, by phoning the office before 9.00 a.m. As school is compulsory, all absences are recorded. A note must be handed into the office on the child's return back to school.

Assemblies: Fridays 2:15PM.
This is a whole school assembly that focuses upon recognising students achievements with certificates given out weekly to a few members of each class. We sometimes have input from students, a group or a guest speaker.
Parents are welcome to attend the school assemblies.

Bus Runs

There is an extensive School bus run network around Matamata, running from Tirau to the South to 5 minutes south of Morrinsville. Bus run information is available from Go Bus on 07 888 8236

School Activity Fees

Matamata Christian School has opted into the MOE donations scheme and does not ask parents and caregivers for donations, however anyone can make tax deductible voluntary donations anytime they wish to.

Fees for some camps, some sports and uniforms, are paid to the Matamata Christian School Board. These can be paid by internet banking to the ASB account number 12 3438 0004608 00 or by eftpos at the school office.

Contact and interviews

We have a Secretary who is employed at the school Monday to Friday from 8.30am - 3.30pm. Unless absolutely urgent, please contact the school within these hours so as not to disrupt teachers unnecessarily. 

Should you wish to discuss any matter that will take some time with a staff member please make an appointment to do so through the Secretary or the teacher concerned.

Interviews with teachers can be arranged through the Secretary. Parents are very welcome to contact teachers before or after school for a very short impromptu chat about their child, but need to be flexible as teachers will not always be available without time being prearranged.

School Stationery Lists

Stationery can be ordered online from Office Max or purchased from shops such as Warehouse Stationery and Paper Plus.  Stationery lists are available to download below.

Enrolment policy and priority

Matamata Christian School has a maximum roll entitlement of 120 students, 9 of whom may be non preference. As a State Integrated school it is required to have a fair and transparent student enrolment policy which includes priority of enrolment for student applicants.


The purpose of uniforms is to place everyone in the same presentation bracket and all students are required to wear our school uniform which are available from the school uniform shop. Please inquire at the school office. Phone 07 888 5444.

Summer footwear. Terms 1 and 4:
Black Roman school sandals or black sandals with wide straps and open toes. Sandals must not be fashion style please.

School sun hats must be worn and are also available from the uniform shop.

Please note track pants are not part of our school uniform.

Attendance Dues and Special Character Contribution

Attendance Dues - (Charged by the Proprietor Board)

Attendance Dues (AD's) help provide the wonderful classrooms, library, playgrounds, fields, offices and other school facilities and resources that our school community enjoys, supporting the School Board in delivering the high quality, Biblically based education that you would expect for your child.

Attendance Dues are invoiced by Peria Christian Education Inc to each family quarterly, and can be paid by internet banking to BNZ account number 02 0360 0021075 02 or by eftpos at the school office.

The number of children charged for AD's is capped at the two eldest children attending. Additional children attending will be AD's free.

Special Character Contribution - (Via invoiced reminder from the Proprietor Board)

This contribution of $30.00 per term per family will help to bridge the shortfall between Ministry of Education funding and the funding needed to deliver quality education and maintain our special Christian character.

This contribution is voluntary and deductible for tax purposes. It is outlined under section 6, schedule 34 of the Education and training act 2020.

Amounts payable are as follows

Eldest child

Per year $760.00 plus SCC of $120.00 totals $880.00
Per term $190.00 plus SCC of $30.00 totals $220.00
Per month $76.00 plus SCC of $12.00 totals $88.00 (If paid over 10 months)
Per week $19.00 plus SCC of $3.00 totals $22.00 (If paid over 40 weeks)

Eldest and second eldest children (Additional children are AD’s free)

Per year $1260.00 plus SCC of $120.00 totals $1380.00
Per term $315.00 plus SCC of $30.00 totals $345.00
Per month $126.00 plus SCC of $12.00 totals $138.00 (If paid over 10 months)
Per week $31.50 plus SCC of $3.00 totals 34.50 (if paid over 40 weeks)

5% prompt payment discount off the full years Attendance Dues fee applies if they are paid in full during January/February each year. Please inquire at the school office. (Note: the 5% discount does not apply to the Special character contribution)

Please note that school activity fees which are paid to the School Board are additional as noted above.

Complaints Procedure

Matamata Christian School values feedback and believes this is an important way for it to improve its performance. It believes complaints are a part of this and wishes to be able to resolve these in order to avoid anything standing in the way of it achieving its goals. Therefore anyone who may have a complaint about any part of the school life is encouraged to bring those complaints forward in a biblical manner. You can view the complaints procedure in the Key Documents below and click/tap here to contact the school.

Kid on the Rock Foundation - Founders Fund

In the spirit of the founders of Matamata Christian School, the Kid on the Rock Foundation has established the Founders Fund. It's purpose is to further the vision of the founders through supporting the funding of the needs of the School. 

The fund will mainly be used to assist families to send their children to the school, provide resources, train staff and continue development of the property. 

Donations are voluntary and tax deductable, and can be made to Kiwibank account number 38-9022-0105816-00. For a tax receipt please include your mobile or phone number and your name as a reference. For more information click here.

Board functions and operations

If you have a heart for Christian education, want to see children drawn to God, want to support a place where Christian faith and values are taught and prayer is openly practiced, then you may find fulfilment in serving on one of the three boards associated with Matamata Christian School. Find out more here.

Key Documents

Matamata Christian School

What do we stand for? How is our school fulfilling its goals and meeting the expectations of the Ministry of Education? What do we mean by ‘special character’ of our campus and curriculum?

Find out more about Matamata Christian School in these key documents:

Ten Year Property Plan

Health & Physical Education Curriculum Delivery Statement

2024 Strategic Plan Goals

2024 Annual Implementation Plan

2023 Strategic Plan

2023 End of Year Data Reporting

Kiwi Sport Funding Usage

Financial Statements

Complaints Procedure


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