Matamata Christian School | Term 4 2015 - Steve Jobs
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Term 4 2015 - Steve Jobs

For Terms 3 and 4 our core values are perseverance and diligence. As a staff we are trying to develop this in our students as it is one of the most effective values we can develop in ourselves and not always something New Zealanders are good at. In the last edition of the newsletter I told you about the inspiring story of Thomas Edison, one of the most famous inventors in history. While today's story is not about a Christian who persevered, it is an example of a top businessman who has stuck it out through successes and setbacks and created a firm which recently was named as the most valuable brand name in the world. We have much to learn from Steve Jobs and we can certainly take inspiration from his story. My thanks goes to Tom Zeleznock's blog for the background information here:

You always hear about a "long road to the top," but perseverance isn't limited to the early stages of a person's career. Often, failure can occur after a long period of success.
Steve Jobs achieved great success at a young age. When he was 20 years old he started 'Apple' in his parents' garage, and within a decade the company blossomed into a $2 billion empire. However, at age 30, Apple's Board of Directors decided to take the business in a different direction, and Steve Jobs was fired from the company he created! Unemployed, he treated it as a freedom rather than a curse. In fact, he later said that getting fired from Apple was the best thing to ever happen to him, because it allowed him to think more creatively.
Steve Jobs went on to found NeXT, a software company, and Pixar, the company that produced animated movies such as 'Finding Nemo'. NeXT was then purchased by Apple. Not only did Steve Jobs go back to his former company, but he helped launch a new chapter and resurgence in Apple's popularity. Steve Jobs claims that his career success and his strong relationship with his family are both results of his getting sacked from Apple.

Steve Jobs today is one of the most famous names in computers. Up until he died, whenever he spoke people stopped and listened. But it didn't all come to him on a plate. Certainly he was a very clever and intelligent person but he could so easily have quit and retired on the fortune he had made. Instead he battled on to reinvent what he had to offer. God has given each of us gifts (a bit like the parable of the talents). Nothing is ever handed to us on a plate however, it is up to each of us to try to develop what He has given us purposefully. God does help those who help themselves. My challenge to you today is to consider how each of the people I have talked about over the last two terms did this in totally different ways and then consider how you are persevering to develop what God has given you. Like in the story of the talents, if you can be trusted with little and develop it faithfully before God, He will be able


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